Connect to Azure WordPress App via FTP

In the third part of “Host WordPress on Microsoft Azure” tutorial series, you will use the FTP deployment credentials to connect to your WordPress app.

To complete the exercise, you will need:

  • An Azure subscription.
  • A WordPress website running on Azure.
  • An FTP client. I am going to use WinSCP because it is a free and easy-to-use FTP client for Windows.

Get FTP connection information

  1. Sign in to Azure Portal, expand the left navigation panel and select All resources.

    Select All resources in Azure
  2. Select the App Service that you have created in the part 1.

  3. Then navigate to Deployment > Deployment Center and select Deployment Credentials.

    FTP Deployment Credentials
  4. In Deployment Credentials tab, select App Credentials and save the following information:

    • FTPS Endpoint
    • Username
    • Password
    App deployment credentials
App credentials is a unique set of credentials for each app and can be used to deploy to that app only. If you want to learn more about app- and user-level credentials you can read the article Configure deployment credentials for Azure App Service on Microsoft Docs.

Connect to your Azure WordPress App via FTP

From your FTP client (for example, WinSCP), use the connection information you gathered to connect to your WordPress app.

FTP client

After connection, you will be able to see the app files and upload or download files via drag&drop.

Next steps

In the following tutorials, you will learn how to add a custom domain to your website and an SSL certificate using the free App Service Managed Certificate.

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